Saturday, 26 June 2010

MUMMY BLOGGING- It Wouldn't Happen in a Man's World

Well, you probably know that 20somethingmum is my missus.

As someone who has lived with the blogging community in his very own home, and has on occasion watched my other half near curl up under a duvet with tissues over some of the behaviour on here and through other things she has been involved with, well, thought it was time I had my say.

Claire (as I know her) has always wanted to do something with her writing, its nothing new. And when she gets a bit of recognition for her little piece of the internet, well, she's buzzing with excitement- to Claire its a small step towards her goal.

So to feel as bad as she did for being nominated, well, not fair is it really?

Its true that she did have to prompt people to quit from the bemoaning, and guilt tripping that started. It was upsetting her for days, as she then heard from others who were dropping out. But when someone finally after being prompted says well done, and sorry, well, its a bit crap really, an after thought. Especially from people who should know better.

We both hate bullying of any kind. Fact. And she felt this was little more than this.

My view is a bit jokey to be fair- I've often said that if you get more than one bird in a room, or in this case group, they can't help but bitch. Its in built. Us blokes, we don't get it, we don't do that to each other. Its mind boggling. Its like women have an extra Bitch gene. Blokes will give each other a pat on the back, regardless of any achievement, either a massive promotion, gold medal, or even the art of drinking 8 pints without falling over and hugging the lav. Women on the other hand, will say with all sweetness "well done you babe". Then when the girl they've just said it to leaves the room, tell her other mates that she's a bitch!

Why can't you all be happy for each other?

Do women really ever have mates, or just other women to compete with?

Perhaps we should have a new rule- one women per group.

Girls get over yourselves! You can't all constantly have PMT to blame!

In closing, please just realise these facts for life-

You do have a life.

Its only blogging.

And free champagne is always going to be the option over paying for it yourself.


  1. Welcome to blogland.

    I am glad I missed the whole cat fight. I would not have participated in it anyways because I think it's lovely for other people to be recognized and appreciated.

    It's also nice to see a bit of your caring relationship. Good for you for backing up, supporting and caring for your partner.

  2. There's a fair few bloggers out there who could do with reading this.

  3. Well girls are bitchy lol. I try not to be lol and feel that everyone should just appreciate everyone elses talents .
